Who we are ...
We are the after school club run by the staff of Catton Grove Primary School.
What we do ...
We provide high quality after school provision for families within the community from 3:30-5:00pm.
How do we do it ...
By providing varied and interesting activities and play opportunities for the children to access. The children help to decide what activities they would like to do and we provide the resources (sometimes the expertise too).
The children are given flexibility to explore through the use of various spaces within the school. Staff involved in Grovers take their interaction/ participation from the children as they set the tone but we are always here to offer a helping hand, advice on how to do something, someone to play with or a listening ear.
What (or who) we have discovered ...
One day the Grovers went on a bear hunt to find the bear that they believe lives at Catton Grove Primary School. The children tried to build a trap and left a tasty snack for the bear (although maybe Mrs. Lowry was not the best bear snack choice?). We weren’t able to find the bear until……
Gili the Grover was found climbing in a bush looking for berries and has since decided to take up partial residence in Year 5.
Also, in the gym area there is rumoured to be a dragon asleep but so far we haven’t found any evidence …… The hunt is on!
How we have explored so far ...
Making paper bowl frisbees, playing basketball, colouring, making sculptures, lollipop stick boats, foam boats, reading books, playing Jenga, going on a bear hunt, hula hooping, gymnastics, bean bag precision throwing, balloon balancing, the floor is lava!, skipping, pony jumping, farm building, mask making, exercising, climbing, chatting, cloud watching, being bananas, hide and seek, laptop time, dressing up, obstacle course and of course bean bag war.
What is our routine ...
The children are brought down to one of the halls at the end of the day and the register is completed.
They have a cereal bar that they sit and eat there and then can have a piece of fruit or vegetable to take with us to whichever area (hall, outside Year 5, field/ equipment, gym area, library and outside the library).
We take equipment either a box of toys or we use some of the sports equipment from the P.E cupboard and then we decamp to our space or stay where we are (this also depends on the weather)
Then we have fun, more fun and end with some fun.
At around 4:45pm we tidy away our toys/ equipment and go back to the hall to put them away and get our home things.
We take the snacks and put them away and help to put the register away.
We then take a seat in the foyer and wait for our grownups to come and collect us.