Welcome to the 'Games' page.
There are lots of activities and videos on this page for you to look at and talk about with your child.
Children need to be able to understand words and sentences in order to be able to talk and to learn.
Ask your class teacher which games you should practise with your child.
Understanding Concepts
Tell your adult which sounds you think will be loud and which will be quiet? Can you say why it will be loud or quiet?
Press the play button to hear if you were right.
Can you organise these pictures by placing the food into the shopping basket and the animals into the farmers field?
Can you match the sound to the musical instrument?
Can you guess which instrument is making the sound?
Click the instrument picture to find out if you are correct.
Can you guess which instrument is making the sound?
Click the instrument picture to find out if you are correct.
Can you guess which instrument is making the sound?
Click the instrument picture to find out if you are correct.