Year Four
Year 4 believe that your child’s education and love of learning is the most important part of your child becoming the best that they can be. In order to inspire your children and achieve this goal we provide the children with a broad and balanced and exciting curriculum.
Please find our Year group Curriculum Overview at the bottom of the page.
We teach and embed sound mathematical skills through the use of a Mastery approach which encourages children to problem solve, explore and enjoy maths using the principles of using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to learn.
Alongside our mastery approach to Maths, in Year 4, we focus on learning times tables up to 12 x 12. At the end of the year, every child will get the opportunity to show what they have learned with an assessment called the ‘MTC’ (Multiplication Table Check) which is a requirement for all Year 4 children across the country.
At Catton Grove, we believe that we should provide a high-quality History education that will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
We aim to inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past in Year 4 by teaching them about the History and relevance of the Ancient Greeks and the Romans.
Reading & Writing
Through ‘Talk For Writing’ we teach children the skills to become creative enthusiastic writers. We approach writing through ‘Pie Corbett’s system of Imitation, innovation and invention.
This approach to writing allows the children to internalise a text and its structure before innovating (changing) and then taking ownership by inventing their own version using the same structure of the text they have been learning.
In Year 4, we aim to create a passion for reading by teaching reading through a class novel in which the children are taught the key ‘VIPER’ skills which helps them learn to understand and embrace reading.
We use the Accelerated Reading program for each individual child to promote and encourage reading at home. The children will complete a ‘Star Assessment’ each term which will allow you and us to monitor their progress and understanding.
Core Values
At Catton Grove, we have 11 Core Values that underpin the curriculum and ethos throughout the whole school. We introduce a new core value each month in which children work to earn certificates showing they have tried to embed each value into their daily learning and school life.
Year 4 is a year in which we intend to create an environment in which the children enjoy and embrace learning in a fun and exciting way to prepare them for the next stage in their lives.
Food Discovery
During the year, each class in Year 4 takes part in Food Discovery.
This is a 6 week program where an expert from The Country Trust comes into school and works with the children so that they learn the basics of growing, cooking and selling food which is part of our Design and Technology curriculum.