Please read the letter below about school places from June 15th.
Striving for Excellence
Thank you to everyone who has made the first week back after half-term as good as it could have been. We have had about 80 children in most days. The ‘bubbles’ are working very well indeed!!
On the 15th June we will be opening some new ‘bubbles’ for those of you who feel that it is OK to send your child(ren) back. The survey to indicate your intention is on the website and it closes on Wednesday. If you want your child(ren) to attend you MUST say so by 5.00pm on that day.
Again, if you want your child(ren) to attend please ensure you follow the guidelines below:
· Be on time – 5 minutes before the session starts – Y6 pupils can line up on the playground, Y1/YR pupils outside their classrooms.
· Wear school uniform.
· Bring your OWN water bottle.
· Bring a packed lunch if necessary – we WILL NOT be providing lunches.
· Maintain social distance from each other.
· Follow the guides around the school – Y1/YR pupils/parents.
· Collect Y6 children from the playground, Y1/YR pupils from outside classrooms.
· Leave the site as soon as you have dropped off/collected your child(ren).
As a reminder and to ensure that we continue to minimise risk, when your child(ren) arrives and before they go into the classroom their temperature will be taken using an infra-red, handheld thermometer. If the temperature reading is 38C or more, we will ask you to take your child(ren) home with you.
We will be trying to ensure that everyone is safe whilst they are in school so we will be cleaning the classrooms after every session as well as doing a more thorough clean at the end of every day. Doors and windows will be kept open as much as possible.
Once again it is important to state that all we can do is reduce risk. We CANNOT eliminate it and we have to be honest with you about that.
For the remainder of this academic year YOU CAN CHOOSE to send your child(ren) in or not. You WILL NOT be fined for non-attendance.
Take care and keep safe – we are here to help as much as we can.