Physical Education
At Catton Grove Primary School we have a Physical Education (PE) department with three NPETCS qualified staff members.
We aim to make PE enjoyable and achievable for all pupils. We offer a variety of sports and activities for children in Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
We have access to two indoor sports halls, a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), two concrete playgrounds and a grass playing field. We have access to a range of sporting equipment.
The objectives of teaching PE at Catton Grove Primary School are to:
● Encourage our children’s understanding and enjoyment of PE through an active involvement in listening, competing and performing;
● Leading active and healthy lives;
● Provide the opportunity for children to develop their individual skills, sharing experience and co-operating with others;
● Help children to have a greater understanding and knowledge of how physical activity affects their body and mind;
Children engage in competitive sports and competitions.
Opportunities at Catton Grove Primary School
● Two lessons per week (taught indoors and outdoors);
● Every student learns to play and participate a range of team and individual sports;
● Every KS2 student learns swimming skills;
● Students have the opportunity to access high level coaching in sports such as tennis, rugby, skipping, boxing, Zumba and table tennis;
● KS1 and KS2 students can access lunchtime clubs and after school clubs.
As a school we participate in a range of inter/intra competitions throughout the year. The sporting competitions are organised by the Schools Sports Partnership, Cluster Schools and Norfolk School Games.
The Role of The Physical Education Team
The PE staff lead and take responsibility for monitoring the standards of children’s work and the quality of PE teaching in school.
• The PE staff will support colleagues where needed in their teaching and provide appropriate staff development training where necessary.
• The PE team will also keep staff up-dated with examples of physical education activities and useful teaching resources.
• The PE team will ensure that the Scheme of Work is in use throughout the year groups, and will help with implementing this.
• The PE team will maintain the PE areas and equipment.
• The PE team will carry out any necessary risks assessments for sporting / PE related trips.
Swimming is taught in Key Stage 2 at Catton Grove Primary School.
Our aims for swimming in Key Stage 2 are:
Children to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
Children to use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
Children can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Meet our P.E. team: