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 Values & Ethos

Catton Grove is a large primary school serving a very deprived catchment area in Norwich. It is never without its challenges!

We believe that we are truly a school at the heart of its community, trusted and respected by parents and pupils alike.  We pride ourselves on our ability to effectively meet the needs of our very diverse groups of both big and little people. 


We will always go the extra mile to do the best we can on behalf of our pupils.  Staff are committed to this principle and live it every day. If we can’t do it ourselves we find someone who can.











We try to ensure that we create opportunities for pupils to excel in whatever area they show talent, interest or enthusiasm. We do this in order to broaden horizons and to develop aspiration and ambition. 

We pride ourselves on our provision for performing arts, music and sport in particular.

We try and ensure that the curriculum is appealing without losing sight of the need to promote high academic standards. We know that our pupils need to achieve well in order that they can make choices during their educational journey.  We are the first stage of that journey and we take our responsibility very seriously…… but we do not take ourselves too seriously. 



We like to have fun and as a result the school is a stimulating, challenging but happy place in which to work. People who visit (from all over the world!!) tell us that there is a ‘buzz’ around the school and we like that! 

We recognise that in a very rapidly changing world we cannot afford to stand still so we ensure that our staff have the same opportunities for development as we extend to pupils and parents.  We try not to ‘stand still’ and we are always looking for ways to improve, to do things better than we did before.

In short, we are constantly striving to be the best we can be and we try to ensure that we instil this desire, determination and aspiration in our pupils and amongst the wider community.
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