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Core Values
At Catton Grove Primary School, we have incorporated 11 ‘Core Values’ into our curriculum in order to strengthen the culture and ethos of the school and to help create a strong community identity.
We focus on one of these Core Values each month through our whole school assemblies and Core Value challenges that we set the children.
WisdomWisdom - to take all that we learn and the experiences that we have and think deeply about them so that we use this new learning to make good decisions and be even better in the future. | UnityUnity - to enjoy co-operating with others so that we can share ideas and opinions to improve the world we live in and celebrate what we collectively achieve within our ‘school family’. | AdventureAdventure - to deliberately try new challenges and experiences that stretch ourselves and show us what we never knew we were capable of! |
AmbitionAmbition - to set ourselves challenging goals and know that if we work hard and be resilient, then our dreams might come true! | IMG_1110Independence - to develop our independence by becoming more confident in our abilities, our choices and decisions and the way we can take on more responsibility, with a positive mindset. | ChangeChange - to understand the power of change and when it is used positively, it can make us a better person and can improve the lives of others. |
GratitudeGratitude - to focus on what’s good in our lives and be thankful for the things we have. | CreativityCreativity - to use our imaginations to express ourselves in different ways, to explore ideas, solve problems and think outside the box. | ResilienceResilience - to understand that we will all face challenges in our lives and the importance of having the right mindset and actions to rise to these challenges and ‘bounce back’ again when things get tough. |
RespectRespect for ourselves and for others - to develop self-respect by understanding we are all unique and to actively look after ourselves by keeping our minds and bodies healthy. To care about other peoples’ thoughts, feelings and beliefs and to act in ways that celebrate what is similar and different between people. | PridePride - to feel really pleased when we have tried our best at something or worked with others to make a difference. |
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