Reading is at the very heart of our entire curriculum.
As reading is a complex skill with many components, Catton Grove Primary School have developed a comprehensive approach to the teaching of reading throughout the school. We believe that reading is a valuable and rewarding experience, and that the importance of laying a firm foundation in this most crucial of all areas will allow children to access all aspects of the curriculum successfully.
We know that success in reading opens doors to a world of knowledge. It is our belief that the appreciation and enjoyment of a rich variety of high-quality books is fundamental to every child’s education, and our reading culture is something that we are proud of.
To develop a love of books and reading.
To develop reading strategies and skills: fluency, accuracy, understanding and response to different texts.
To read and enjoy a variety of texts from a variety of sources.
To create a strong, embedded reading culture through a language-rich environment within classrooms and the school as a whole.
To deliver a carefully planned and structured approach to the teaching of reading that allows every child to succeed.
To recognise the value of parents and carers as essential components in supporting and developing children’s comprehension skills and passion for reading.
To rigorously monitor and assess children’s progress in reading, and identify those who require extra support and intervention.