Welcome from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to the governor section of the Catton Grove website. I hope this will give you an idea of who the governors are and what we do.
The purpose of the governing body is to help the school provide the best possible education for its pupils.
Our Role - what we do:
* We play a strategic role, meaning that we concentrate on the underlying principles of how the school is run, rather than day-to-day management issues, which remain the responsibility of the head teacher and her staff.
* We are responsible for the conduct of the school and ensure a clear vision.
* We promote high standards of education, ensuring continued school improvement. Therefore we hold the Head Teacher to account for
educational performance. Not only is the head teacher accountable to the governing body, but the governing body in turn is accountable to parents, the LA and ultimately to the Department for Education.
* One of the best phrases used to summarise the role of the governing body is that of “critical friend”.
* We help the school be responsive to the needs of pupils, parents and the community.
* We oversee financial performance, making sure money is spent effectively in line with the school development/improvement plans.
How do we do this?
We meet once a half term as a full governing body.
We have two main committees :
* Steering / Finance
* Achievement and Attainment
Between them, the committees divide up responsibility for monitoring and reviewing school policy and supporting the school development plan. All meetings are minuted and available on request. Chairs of committees and working parties feedback decisions/ideas at full governing meetings.
We complete training and continually update our skills to ensure we keep up to date and to improve the skills within the board.
Within meetings we review policies; approve and set Budgets; set strategic direction; review data of pupil progress. We monitor reports at full governors meeting from the Headteacher.
We undertake learning walks so we can see the school in action! This is probably a favourite part of the role for some of us as we get to see the children and their learning.
Mr. Darren Woodward
Chair of Governors