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Headteacher Notice


A reassuring message from our Headteacher - You can read it here, and see it on the Headteachers notices, on the home page.


Over the weekend, you may have heard or read information about pupils returning to school in the not too distant future.

We would like to reassure you that under no circumstances will we allow more pupils into school unless we can ensure their safety and the safety of all of the adults who work here.

We are currently thinking of ways we can achieve a gradual return to a ‘new’ form of normality but will only do so when we are confident of being able to keep everyone safe.

We know that the last 6 weeks have been challenging but we have been so impressed with what your children have achieved with your support and guidance.

As is always the case, you are in control of the situation with regards to your children – we are here to support you as best we can.

Under these strange circumstances, you must make the choice, when it comes, as to the relative risk of sending your chlld(ren) into school when the time comes. We will support your decision whatever that may be,

Take care and keep safe – we are here to help as much as we can.

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