Year Five
In Year 5, we love learning and we aim to do our best through a broad and balanced curriculum, building on skills and knowledge learnt in lower Key Stage 2.
This is a year when children grow in maturity. They gain a greater independence and confidence from being given more responsibility in their learning empowering them to be the best they can be. A real focus for Year 5 is ensuring we are starting to get them ‘high school ready’.
Please find our Year group Curriculum Overview at the bottom of the page.
Maths is the language of the Universe! In year 5, we teach and embed sound mathematical skills through the use of the Mastery approach which encourages children to problem solve, explore and enjoy maths through the principles of using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to learn. Most importantly, we make learning about and making progress in Maths fun. In the summer term we have a real drive on ‘number’ this is to ensure pupils have a secure foundation to access the Year 6 curriculum
Wider Curriculum
We believe in practical, engaging and exciting learning where pupils thrive and succeed across the whole curriculum.
In Art, DT, Science and the Humanities, we give pupils an opportunity to shine and be proud of their achievements.
Let’s make this a fantastic year together, the sky is the limit!
Reading & Writing
We know the importance of needing to use Standard English to communicate effectively. Using incorrect punctuation, grammar and spelling can change the meaning of sentences whether spoken or written.
In Year 5 we teach discreet SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) lessons as it provides the pupils with a more conscious control and choice in their written and spoken language. We plan interactive, fun, engaging SPaG lessons to ensure the pupils have a firm foundation for their writing, particularly as they move into Year 6.
We celebrate pupil’s achievements in the correct use of SPaG through certificates and special events.
We teach writing through the method of ‘Talk For Writing’. This was developed by Pie Corbett and teaches children the skills they need to become creative, enthusiastic writers.
It enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version. It produces some fantastic results.
In Year 5, we are passionate about reading. We use the Accelerated Reading program for each individual child to promote and encourage reading at home. When they have completed their chosen books, the children complete an assessment which allows us to monitor their progress and helps move their reading forward to the next level.
We also teach reading through a class novel, where the children are taught the key ‘VIPER’ skills which help them learn to understand and embrace reading.